Teeth Whitening
in Calgary

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Unlock Your Ideal Smile

Your smile is one of your most powerful assets. It can light up a room and make a lasting impression. However, over time, even the most diligent brushing and flossing can’t prevent teeth from staining or yellowing due to everyday wear and tear.

At Deerfoot Dental Centre, we’re excited to offer Pola Light whitening, a dentist-supervised teeth whitening system designed to deliver results safely and effectively. Pola Light combines a powerful yet gentle whitening gel with a specially designed light source to help accelerate the whitening process.

Our innovative technology can help our patients achieve a brighter, more confident smile in a shorter time frame than traditional methods.

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Foods & Drinks That May Stain Your Teeth

Certain foods and drinks can contribute to tooth staining and discolouration. Common culprits include:

  • Coffee and tea
  • Red wine
  • Berries and sauces
  • Acidic foods

Being mindful of your diet and practicing good oral hygiene can help maintain the whiteness of your teeth.

In-Office Whitening vs. At-Home Kits

While there are many over-the-counter whitening kits available, professional in-office whitening offers several distinct advantages such as:

  • Faster results
  • Supervised environments
  • Comfortable, convenient, and customized treatments

Our experienced dental team will oversee the whitening process and focus on your individual needs.

Book Your Teeth Whitening Consultation

If you’re curious about teeth whitening and are interested in exploring if it’s a good option for you, our team is more than happy to answer your questions or concerns. 

Schedule a consultation with us today to discuss your teeth whitening goals.

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Our NE Calgary Location

You can find us on 64 Avenue in the Deerfoot City plaza, next to Tim Hortons and above the Booster Juice. There’s plenty of parking available in the Deerfoot City plaza around the clinic.

Our Address

  • 971 64 Ave NE #225
  • Calgary, AB T2E 7Z4

Contact Information

Hours of Operation

9:00 AM 4:00 PM
9:00 AM 7:00 PM
9:00 AM 7:00 PM
9:00 AM 7:00 PM
9:00 AM 3:00 PM
9:00 AM 3:00 PM
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